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Norfolk Gardens Trust welcomes new members

Membership of the Norfolk Gardens Trust offers many benefits. Each year we have at least three gardens to visit (many not normally open to the public), an AGM, a series of talks during the winter months and a magazine published twice yearly.

We would also very much like to welcome members from outside the county, and from outside the country, who have links to, or an interest in Norfolk, and want to renew or strengthen those links.

Annual Subscription Renewals due 1st April

Single: £10, Joint: £15
Corporate membership: Price on Application

A presentation Gift Voucher is now available.

The Gardens Trust

The Norfolk Gardens Trust is closely associated with The Gardens Trust, the only national charity dedicated to the research and conservation of designed landscapes. Norfolk Gardens Trust members are entitled to a discounted membership of The Gardens Trust, to find out more and see their events and news click here.

The Gardens Trust

Membership Secretary

Louise Rice

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