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We arrived at Upwood Farm in drenching rain which fortunately soon ceased. As we approached, the roadsides and adjacent field edges had been recently mown which gave a dramatic edge, together with two ‘Roman Soldiers’, to the golden wheat field next door and the view over the fields.

Over 100 members and their guests braved the weather and enjoyed Dick Fiddians quirky garden, and teas were proved under a loggia near the house.

Fiddians Follies is an amazing creation. The more one explores the more one finds to enjoy. The Crematorium Wall, so called due to the decorative fragments set into it, with its herbaceous border is the start of the journey. The quarry, behind the Wall is an extraordinary development. Looking down from several viewpoints one is intrigued by the follies which are half shielded with vegetation.

Climbing down into the quarry I headed to the largest folly which has two chambers lovingly created by a local craftsman from Dick Fiddians collected bricks and artefacts. Echiums and Hydrangea Macrophylla flourish in the dappled shade. On a path from the quarry I found the Twisted Column hidden amongst trees.

Beyond the follies and the quarry a kitchen garden was a pleasure to walk around and beyond the garden and a shelter a high mound with a seat as a lookout.

As with all the best gardens there was so much to surprise and delight, and the Trust were very grateful to be permitted to enjoy it.

Next Event

Hindringham Hall

Saturday 13th June, 2024 6-8.30pm

Blacksmiths Lane, Hindringham NR21 0QA
~ an evening visit with wine & canapes ~
Medieval moat and fishponds, walled vegetable garden, beautiful formal and informal borders.

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