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On Wednesday 28th June, members of the NGT visited Booton Hall gardens by kind permission of Piers and Cecilia D’Anyers Willis.

The afternoon threatened rain and skies did produce a few drops but luckily held off enough for us to enjoy not only the lovely walled garden but the surrounding new gardens.

The walled garden has been renovated over the last 3 years, with the help of the design skills of Susannah McDougall and Gill Gorringe.

Some beautiful mature trees surround the lovely warm pink house in a setting that is very peaceful. New shrub beds by the pond and the new orchard promised great things to come. It would be very interesting to see it all in a few years’ time when all the planting has come to maturity.

Along with the Hall’s gardens, a little up the road, the Church of St. Michael and All Angels was open. A beautiful 19th century fantasy rebuilt by the incumbent Rev. Elwin. A wonderful glory of angles both in carvings and stained glass, a testament to the imagination.

Words and pictures by Jenny Dyer.

Next Event

Hindringham Hall

Saturday 13th June, 2024 6-8.30pm

Blacksmiths Lane, Hindringham NR21 0QA
~ an evening visit with wine & canapes ~
Medieval moat and fishponds, walled vegetable garden, beautiful formal and informal borders.

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