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Report on 31st Annual General Meeting of the Norfolk Gardens Trust held at Croxton Park on April 27th by kind invitation of Mr and Mrs J. Raker.

The meeting was held on a cold, blustery damp day, but the Coach House at Croxton Park was warm and welcoming to the approximately
70 members who attended. In the absence of Lord Walpole, the Chairman, Matthew Martin chaired the meeting. The committee were re-
elected en bloc. Tony Stimpson, the membership secretary is standing down but will remain on the Committee until the end of 2019. Lynn
Burroughs is taking over as membership secretary.

After the general business meeting Isabella Roche, who was the recipient of a Tate award gave us a short talk on her dissertation which concerned Repton’s idea of ‘character’ in his designed landscapes in Norfolk.

Members were treated to tea and cake before having the opportunity to visit the gardens outside. The bluebells in the woodland garden, and the vegetable garden looked particularly fine. Members who were interested then took to their cars and drove to Salix, the Raker’s business producing native wetland plants which they grow in coir rolls and matting. They are used to secure the banks of inland water courses, including road runoff and places such as the Olympic Park.

Next Event

Hindringham Hall

Saturday 13th June, 2024 6-8.30pm

Blacksmiths Lane, Hindringham NR21 0QA
~ an evening visit with wine & canapes ~
Medieval moat and fishponds, walled vegetable garden, beautiful formal and informal borders.

The entrance to the converted barns where the meeting was held
The meeting room at Croxton Park showingIsabella Roche giving her presentation
A view of the gardens at Croxton Park
Native wetland plants in the nursery at Salix
Reed beds and Pond at Salix
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