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Tom and Jo Fitzalan Howard very kindly invited the NGT back to Elmham House, having hosted an event last year when numbers had been severely limited due to Covid restrictions. Happily this time over 130 members were able to enjoy a glorious sunny day and to discover the delights this estate has to offer. The woodland garden was looking splendid, with the rhododendrons and azaleas in bloom, a beautiful carpet of pink campion and a magnificent wisteria.

There was much for members to explore, including the eighteenth century icehouse (restored in 2017), dovecot and an old game larder, which has been repurposed into a chapel that now forms part of the pilgrimage route from Norwich to Walsingham. The old walled garden houses an extensive collection of apples, pears and plums; Elmham is also notable for some particularly fine trees.

Our thanks to Tom and Jo for being such welcoming and generous hosts and for making the first garden visit of 2022 a memorable event.

Next Event

Hindringham Hall

Saturday 13th June, 2024 6-8.30pm

Blacksmiths Lane, Hindringham NR21 0QA
~ an evening visit with wine & canapes ~
Medieval moat and fishponds, walled vegetable garden, beautiful formal and informal borders.

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